

Audit Committee Quarterly Q2 Kutscher-PuisDr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has published an article on the French law on due diligence obligations along supply chains in the KPMG corporate governance magazine “Audit Committee Quaterly” Audit Committee Quarterly II/2021 – Roaring 20s (


dfj Actualités 1/2021Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has directed the publication of the current newsletter for members of the German-French Lawyers Association as editor-in-chief.


Le Journal du Management juridique 2021​Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has published an article in the French magazine for legal decision-makers “Le Journal du Management Juridique” on the impact of the ECJ ruling of June 6, 2020 on French commercial agency practice Au sommaire du Journal du Management juridique numéro 80 : Spécial Concurrence et distribution. (


Droit international de la distribution M2 DAT 2020-2021Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis taught again international distribution law to students pursuing a Master II in Cross-Border Business Law at Université de Lorraine (France).


Table ronde CAFAP Présentation Kutscher-Puis 15.10.2020Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis attended the round table of the German-French Business Club of Provence (CAFAP) on exports to Germany and described the basic rules of product distribution in Germany.


Kutscher-Puis | Legal is celebrating its fifth anniversary. Thank you for your trust.


Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has directed the publication of the present newsletter for members of the German-French Lawyers Association as editor-in-chief.

Actualités 1/2020


Our law firm remains at your disposal also during the coronavirus crisis and can be reached by phone or e-mail. The effects of the crisis on your international supply contracts are explained in detail in our new information sheet.

Impact of force majeure on international supply contracts


Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis taught international distribution law to students pursuing a Master II in Cross-Border Business Law at Université de Lorraine (France).


Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has directed the publication of the present newsletter for members of the German-French Lawyers Association as editor-in-chief.

Actualités 3/2019


Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis has directed the publication of the newsletter for members of the German-French Lawyers Association as editor-in-chief.

Actualités 2/2019


Dr. Fabienne Kutscher-Puis and Dr. Philippa Paternot have edited the latest newsletter for members of the German-French Lawyers Association in cooperation with Werner Gaus, Esq.

Actualités 1/2019

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